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Golden Amber Elixir


Updated: Dec 14, 2023

I like ambers golden colour, like a sun. Whenever I need to boost my energy with the positivity I wear my amber pendant.

Amber is associated with the elements of earth and fire. Its astrological influence come from Mercury, the sun and the zodiac constellation of Aquarius.

Besides its metaphysical properties, the stone contains succinic acid which plays main role in oxygenation of body cells and their regeneration

Succinic acid supports cellular respiration and oxygen absorption by cells. For example, the rate of oxygen consumption by liver cells increases 60 times when succinic acid is supplied.

Amber is not a stone. It is the fossilized resin of ancient conifers, especially araukária and metasequoia. Unlike other expensive and cheap stones, it is therefore an organic compound, a natural polymer of plant origin. Simply put, any resin older than 2 million years is amber, everything else is called copal, which is used for heating. The age of amber can be 2 to 200 million years.

Amber classification is a complex field that only an enthusiastic evolutionary entomologist can master, because amber is known to preserve complete specimens of ancient insects, and also it can contain pollen grains, orchid flowers, mosses, lichens and even smaller vertebrates - lizards and frogs.

The Etruscans carved amber into ornaments-most often animal shapes- to use as talismans. According to Greek myth, amber was formed from the tears of the Heliades, the daughters of sun god Helios, when they mourned the death of their brother Phaethon..

Amber is understandably very soft, on the hardness scale 1–2, and therefore can be worked well with an ordinary pocket knife. The oldest figures carved from amber and amber jewelry were created 30,000 years ago and have accompanied people ever since. Amber is light and warm to the touch, it burns and is electrically charged by friction.

Amber contains succinic acid

It contains succinic acid, which is part of every single cell of the living body. In the cult of the Mother Goddess, amber was believed to contain the very essence of life, the animating principle... That essence is certainly succinic acid, without which no cell could exist. Amber is the guardian of the secret of longevity. It is also called ambergris and is the most valuable magical substance of all time. Trade routes were created because of amber, and the Amber Chamber, which the Prussian King Frederick dedicated to the Russian Tsar Peter the Great, is considered the eighth wonder of the world.

For the beauty, health and protection

The most common form of amber used in magic is amber necklaces. Children have long worn them to protect their health. Even today, baby amber beads are sold as an alternative measure against teething problems.

Amber has the ability to relieve pain, stimulate the hormonal system (which is probably why it is associated with fertility), regenerate the liver, gallbladder, heart and bladder, and heal stomach problems.

Because of its age , amber is instrumental for connecting with ancestors and seeking ancient wisdom. It brings mental clarity and illuminations that supports creativity. The stone helps manifest change through gentle motivation.

Amber is powerful healer and cleanser that draws disease from the body and promotes tissue revitalization. It also cleans the environment and the chakras. Amber strengthens, protects, enhances magical rituals and enhances sensory experiences.

However, it was most often worn to enhance natural beauty and attractiveness. It is said to make the voice more pleasant and make the eyes shine. There is already real sensuality...

*The Information source - Magazine Vitae and Crystal magic book edition.


Check the product availability in my store that contain succinic acid for the rejuvenation of the skin such as Five Element Regeneration Energy cream - CYTOVITAL CREAM or AMBER.

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