Reiki and Seichem healing
Reiki and Seichem healing
Seichem Reiki is a spiritual energy of higher vibration similar to Reiki.
Service Description
Reiki stimulates the body's natural healing mechanisms by inducing deep relaxation to rebalance the body's energy flow., unblocks all your energy pathways and restore balance to the flow of energy in your body. Reiki balances issues on the physical level or in our first or second layer of the auric field. Seichem Reiki healing focuses on deep-rooted trauma and spiritual development with a strong energy force for deep healing. and enhances spiriual connection and awareness. Paid online: £60 60 min session takes place at CKClinic in Chippenham (Bumpers Way, Chippenham SN14 6LH) I will look forward to see you at my Reiki Seichem session.
Contact Details
Goldiggers, Timber Street, Chippenham SN15 3BS, UK
CK Clinic, Bumpers Way, Chippenham, UK