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A natural herbal concentrate that optimiizes the animal's metabolism. Activation of enzymes, detoxification, elimination of fatigue..
Addressing the emotions of fear and anxiety. Prevention and aggression.


Digestive problems, vomiting, insufficient production of enzymes and hormones. Promotion of the appetite. Painful hair syndrome. Osteoarthritis and chronic joint pain.(initial product). Connective tissue disorders. Cardiac insufficiency. Chronic renal failure. Inflammation of the urinary tract. Eye diseases. Allergic diseases (alternate with Renovet). Itching . Toxic burden of the body (vaccination, deworming, poor quality food, additives, poisoning)>

TIP: We recommend caution and consutation with an Energyvet consultant when using Regavet for
liver and gallbladder problems.

A natural herbal concentrate for the stimulation of Wood-element organ function within the Energyvet Pentagram scheme. It acts through a mild excitation of the liver, gall bladder, fat metabolism and joints, stimulating these organs or tissues towards increased activity. It generally optimises the animal's metabolism. Bio-information of the product-specific homeopathic type complements and potentiates the effect of the included herbs.
It stimulates the function of organs and tissues of the following element of Fire, i.e. of the heart, vascular system, hormonal system, and the small intestine.
The product calms down excessive energy and hyperactivity of the previous element, Water, i.e. the kidneys, lymphatic system, immune system (inflammatory tissue), urinary tract, and sexual organs.

Intended use:
[the most suitable add-on product is specified in brackets]
- Modification of the energy metabolism, protein metabolism, enzyme activation [Probiovet].
- Digestive problems (except for gall bladder and liver) [Cytovet, Probiovet].
- Vomiting [Fytovet].
- For intoxications with organophosphates, organic poisons [Cytovet].
- For painful hair, painful reaction to touch [Fytovet].

It stimulates:
- The heart in cases of weakened heart, wall thinning, enlarged chambers [Skelevet].
- The production of hormones [Omegavet].
- Appetite [Fytovet].
- Digestion in cases of either weight loss or weight gains [Omegavet].
- Insufficient production of digestive enzymes [Fytovet].

It reduces:
- Fatigue or shortness of breath during exercise [Omegavet, Fytovet].
- Excessive urination in cases of kidney failure [Probiovet].
- Signs of inflammation affecting any organ (fever, pain, oedema, loss of function) [Skelevet].
- Inflammations of the veins, vasculitis [Imunovet].
- Painful inflammations of the lymphatic nodes and lymphatic vessels [Skelevet, Imunovet].
- Acute inflammations of the womb, prostate, urinary and sexual tract [Imunovet, Omegavet].
- Allergic conditions (alternatively with Renovet) [Imunovet].
- Conjunctivitis [Cytovet – diluted].
- Helps to reduce tumour growth in connective tissues (sarcomas) [Cytovet, Imunovet].
- Calms down fearfulness and pathological fear [Fytovet].

Herbal extract 82.6% (Potentilla erecta, Taraxacum officinale, Plantago lanceolata, Veronica officinalis, Chelidonium majus, Pimpinella saxifraga, Zanthoxylum piperitum, Artemisia abrotanum, Gentiana lutea, Marrubium vulgare, Agrimonia eupatoria, Galium verum, Saxifraga granulata), sorbitol – thickener, microcrystalline cellulose – thickener, water, xanthan – thickener, grapefruit extract – preservative, potassium sorbate – preservative, mix of essential oils 0.12%, silymarine 0.10%, bioinformation for Regavet.

Recommended dosage:
Administer for the maximum of three weeks as follows:
Small animals up to 10 kg of weight: 2 drops twice a day
Animals over 10kg to 100kg: 1 drop twice a day for every 10kg of weight, even incomplete
Animals over 100 kg: 5 drops (0.3ml) for every 100kg of weight twice a day
The product should be discontinued after 3 weeks for the period of one week.

Shake well before use! In cases of suspected liver tissue or gall bladder impairment limit administration to two days only. If no negative reactions arise in the following 3 days, continue to administer for up to 3 weeks.
For precise targeting of the regeneration process it is recommended to seek professional advice.
It is recommended to use the product within three months of opening.

Do not administer in cases of liver or gall bladder impairment. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! Ensure sufficient intake of water in the course of product usage. Not suitable for gestating females. Keep out of reach of children!

Adverse reactions and interactions:
Do not administer concurrently with Renovet or Kingvet or without at least a one-week break from therapy with these products.

Store the product in dry and dark environment, at 10-25°C. Do not freeze.
Minimum shelf-life specified on the box and label.

30 ml

Quality management:
The product was developed, manufactured and controlled in compliance with the requirements set forth by the ISO 9001:2008 standard.

Veterinarian’s recommendations:
Regavet is excellent for digestive and metabolic problems. It is highly efficient in the treatment of kidney failure, particularly in carnivores. It has also an indispensable place in the treatment of allergic conditions (I alternate the product with Renovet after 4 weeks).
MVDr. Petr Hrabák

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